Welcome to our all-too-infrequently updated little blog about goings on at Art Van Go - art suppliers to the stars.

Saturday, 25 May 2013

What is a collective noun for artists?*

If you are a regular reader of the Art Van Go newsletters, you'll be aware that there was a "Gathering" in the gallery for the past couple of days.  No, it's not a secret rendezvous of an obscure cult, or a religious meeting - it's what Kevin decided to call a group of artists, all working away in the Studio, demonstrating their techniques and chatting to visitors. 
Although the Studio has an artist "In Residence" from time to time,  this is the first time that there has been a entire palette of them.  

Sharon Osbourne (and Viv, obviously)
Sharon doesn't have a website, and I intended to show some photos of her work, but because of  the studio lighting  my appalling photographic abilities, I'm afraid they were worse than useless - sorry Sharon.

Clare Bullock
who doesn't have a website either, but is wearing one of her outrageous felted bags and here's a close up of one of her felt pieces

It was a really great event, with lots of positive comments from all of the visitors, and the artists themselves all enjoyed it, so I'm sure it won't be long before there's something similar arranged.  If you weren't lucky enough to get along this time, I recommend you try to come along to any future events.

Incidentally, usually on a Friday, a few of us, including Gina, meet up to drink coffee, chat and knit, so this week as Gina was otherwise engaged, we turned up to heckle her instead, and to wish her 'good luck' for the competition she entered today.
Textile art is only one of her many talents - have a read of her blog here  for her other massive achievement today.  
Congratulations Gina, and more importantly, when do we get to taste it?

*  ANSWER: Some collective nouns that have been used for artists are a family of artists, a colony of artists, an enclave of artists, or a collective of artists.