After lengthy gestations we are proud to announce the birth of three new additions to the Art Van Go family!! All three publications were ‘born’ just in time for the Knitting & Stitching Show at Alexandra Palace on the 7th October. Like proud parents of new babies we would like to introduce you to:
‘Paintstiks: Marvellous Markal - Sumptuous Shiva’
by Ruth Issett

The long-awaited book, from the guru herself, will show you just how versatile Paintstiks are. This book can be used as a starting point for those new to this medium, or as a means of stretching your work further into areas of mixed media. The results will be ‘sizzling’ whether used on paper, or directly onto fabric!
And also ......
‘Page After Page: Making Individual Books and Journals’
by Frances Pickering
Presented as though one her own stitched and hand-illustrated books, Frances explains some of the techniques she uses to create the books and reveals some of the inspiration behind them. A glorious book for anyone who has any creative interest.

Presented as though one her own stitched and hand-illustrated books, Frances explains some of the techniques she uses to create the books and reveals some of the inspiration behind them. A glorious book for anyone who has any creative interest.
And, just in case anyone missed the news in my previous post ....
Last, but by no means least,
The new 80 page Art Van Go Catalogue!!
After months & months of work it’s finally here! We’ve already had very positive feedback about it being ‘worth the wait’ and we hope you will agree. Lots of new products and exciting new ranges. You can get hold of a hard copy by sending three first class stamps (here in the UK) or for £1.00 when you see us at shows etc, or by asking for one to be included in your order if the order is over £10.00. The PDF of the catalogue is available to download at no charge.
If you have sent stamps in previously, and not yet received your copy of the new catalogue, please let us know.
Just a thimbleful.....
Wha-hey -looks like a wonderful way to spend some of my prize money !!!
Congratulations Mavis!
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