It's that time of year again - Knitting and Stitching Show at Ally Pally.
This isn't going to be a long post, as, along with everyone else, I've been frantically busy on the stand all day, and my back's sore - but thought I should just let you see a couple of photos. Firstly the stand, all pristine and ready for customers. And Ruth, of course, in much the same condition.

Are you ready for this???? ...... Ta ta da da da ta daaaaa!
Yes, it's the long-awaited, much-requested, often-promised, time-consuming, nail-biting, hankered-after, glossy-paged, art goods-packed, full colour.......
I think when you see it, you'll understand what a mammoth job it was to produce, and of course Viv does have one or two other little jobs to attend to.
Anyway, I've got a signed copy, so you're not having mine, you get your own. And, to all those people who have sent in stamps, back at the shop they are busy putting catalogues in envelopes to post out to you. It's busier than Santa's Grotto, with considerably fewer elves. Hopefully you should get them (postal strike permitting) in the next couple of weeks.
Right I'm off now to get some rest before going back tomorrow - but this time to look round, not to work. I'll be back on the stand on Saturday though, so if any of you who read this are there on Saturday, come and say 'Hello'
Night night
Gill x
I would have love to have visited the show, but can't make it. However, I mention AVG in as many of my articles as I can (I discissed this at the NEC earleir this year)- so a printed up-to-date catalogue would be really helpful. I look forward to receiving it. Thanks P.S. You may need to look at my journaling blog for the arty things; there's a link to it on the left hand side of the screen).
ARGGH! So busy talking to Viv today that I didn't spot the catalogue! Lots of great ideas as usual. Thanks.
Boo missed Ally Pally this year. I've been waiting for Frances' book for years so thanks for the heads up. Will ring AVG later to see if they have it!!!
Hi Gill. We met at the show. I was with Pat Seymour who introduced us? I got that lovely catalogue at the show :)
Just a thimbleful.....
I was really upset to HAVE to go on holiday and miss the K&S this year, first time for longer than I can remember! But what a treat to browse through your lovely catalogue - a triumph!Useful page at the back, too, to note down what you've already got in your studio so you don't duplicate things!
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