If you've not had yours yet, just contact us at ARTVANGO and ask for a copy, and for your name to be added to the mailing list. Or of course you can go direct here to the workshop page on the website!
As you can see from the cover, ARTVANGO are celebrating their 21st birthday this year, and have put together a fantastic workshop programme - probably the best so far. In addition, there are other exciting events planned!
We are inviting everyone who has taken part in an Art Van Go workshop to submit work to this very special exhibition -"MADE AT ART VAN GO"
The exhibition will be a celebration of your talents and skills; the dedication and enthusiasm of the tutors; and the many years of Art Van Go workshops.
Exhibition: Tues Aug 31st - Sat Sept 25th
Applications by Fri 13th Aug
Submission Dates: 19th, 20th, 21st, 24th & 25th Aug.
We will be delighted to accept work from anyone - the only criteria is that you should have attended an Art Van Go workshop and the work submitted should reflect this. For more details and submission form please contact Art Van Go.
This could be the ideal opportunity to finish something that you've started at a workshop - come on, don't tell me that you don't have any workshop UFO's! The more of you that take part, and the more varied the work - the better the exhibition will be. We look forward to seeing your entries.
In the meantime, remember we will be at Cottenham on 19th/20th/21st February for
please see http://www.textilesinfocus.com/2010.htm for more details
Look forward to seeing you soon
1 comment:
Hope you will be at the NEC next week; I need to catch up with products and news (professionally).
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