Welcome to our all-too-infrequently updated little blog about goings on at Art Van Go - art suppliers to the stars.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Happy New Year!

I have been authorised to pass on three bits of exciting news.  

Firstly, new radiators have been installed in the gallery, which will make it much cosier to work in when there's snow on the ground.

Secondly, Kevin has asked me to advise you that the toilet is now connected to mains water pressure, so it now flushes as it should!  
(Oh it's mod cons all the way for 2011, believe me!)

Thirdly, in the not TOO distant future, you will get the opportunity to experience these 'facility upgrades' as Viv tells me that the new workshop programme is imminent.  (I'm sorry, I tried, but I couldn't get her to be any more specific than that)

In the meantime, if you're quick, there is still time to see Ruth Issett's gloriously colourful exhibition.
And if you needed any more incentive to visit the shop, Art Van Go will not be passing on the VAT increase during the whole of January - so what are you waiting for - come along and stock up now!


Kathryn Harper said...

The other day, driving around near my home in San Jose, CA, I passed a van with the same logo design on it: Art Van Go. I was intrigued; now that I've done a search and found that you're in the UK, I'm more intrigued!

Do you know anything about someone in SJ, have an outpost in the U.S.? Thanks.

Kathryn Harper

vintagerockchick said...

Hiya Kathryn,
Our AVG van does travel about - but never QUITE that far afield! I think I did an internet search a couple of years ago, and found a company in the US - as I recall they were running mobile art classes for kids! I'll have to have another look x

Mick and Holly said...

I just saw that same van and searched online but they apparently don't have a website.