We had a very busy and enjoyable weekend at the Textiles in Focus show in Cottenham, near Cambridge, organised brilliantly as always by Pauline Verrinder and her team. You can just see AVG up against the wall at the end!
Pauline suggested/insisted that the organisers wear hats, which made them easier to identify! Here's Pauline setting a fine example
There were some great stands, including one run by the textile group Fibrefusion
And other by Fen Edge Textiles
Sharon Osbourne, frequently demonstrator (and visitor) to AVG was demonstrating her work
And in the main exhibition area, there was some fantastic work by the Sleaford Embroiderers, who amongst other things had a vibrant display of ATCs (Artist Trading Cards, for the uninitiated)
And then the beautiful and varied work produced for their Group Challenge "On the Waterfront"

And finally, last but by no means least, some really beautiful work from a group of textile artists known collectively as "Facets"
Textiles in Focus is a small but wonderfully friendly show, and if you haven't been, and live within reasonable travelling distance of Cottenham, I can't recommend it highly enough. There are dozens of 2 hour workshops to attend, and all the participants that we spoke to had really enjoyed them. The lecture this year, on Saturday afternoon, was by Mary Sleigh, author of African Inspirations in Embroidery.

If you didn't manage to get there this year, and would like to be added to the database to ensure you get advance notification of next year's show, contact the organisers via http://www.textilesinfocus.com/
Very good about the show in Cottenham will see you at Summer School in Cottenham.Kerry.
Good pictures, forgot what a great time we all had there. Sharon
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