I thought you might like to hear about a recent two day workshop called 'Elizabethan Elements' run by one of our regular and popular tutors, Christine Benson. The following account comes from one of our most regular workshop attendees, Pam Oliver, who also supplied the photos.

What a wonderful time was had by the lucky people who attended the Christine Benson class on 11th and 12th November.
Christine's work is always beautiful, and uses silk in all of it's forms - this time she produced amazing work based around the theme of the Elizabethan times.

What lovely pieces of work. I have just discovered this blog via the Workshop on the Web's "A Day in the Life of..". Reading about Art Van Go's day has left me totally exhausted but then you all have youth on your side. I can testify to how well you do things, having been a very impressed customer in the days of the van doing the rounds of college open days, etc. I look forward to the new catalogue coming out and will send for one as soon as I see it advertised. Thankyou for looking after our needs so well and don't work too hard.
Glad you've found the blog, and thank you so much for your comments Heather - I will make sure I pass them on to the rest of the team, Gill x
Found you through WoW. Enjoyed reading ADay in the Lif of AvG. Brilliant. What's special about AvG is that you all make each and every customer feel as if they belong to the family. Always a smile and always tinme to answer our questions now matter how trivial. Where would I be without you????
Apologies for typos in previous message -- must proof read before sending!
Thank you for your comments JenHen, it's lovely to be appreciated - and again I'll make sure I pass the comments on!
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